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Pollution essays

Pollution essays

Additional applications could be made available to further increase customer satisfaction and these could include information on exchange rates or even the ability to convert one currency into another currency, pollution essays. Environmental pollution is classified into groups depending on the natural components as follows; air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution and water pollution. html The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. They can be created by human activity like trash and natural like volcanic ash. Nevertheless, as the population of the earth grows and Americans continue to utilize an ever increasing amount of the world's resources and energy, pollution essays, pollution is reaching levels that threaten lives and the traditional functioning of society. Pollution essays additional labor costs have pollution essays incurred to maintain the reduction and recycling initiatives.

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Pollution is the process of pollutants contaminating the natural surroundings air, land, and water and creating pollution essays unsafe and dirty environment. Pollutants come in many shapes and forms even light, sound, and temperature can be considered pollution when introduced into the natural environment. Since the industrial revolution pollution has skyrocketed and has finally reached its peak giving way to global warming and human disease. Pollution is not only destroying our environment it is also destroying. the pollution one of the most important problems that facing us these day because it is on the rise with the pollution essays of technology and has become a significant and adverse effects on human and animal life together we must look good to know the causes and effects of pollution avoided and minimizedAnd I chose this topic because the pollution one of the most important problems that face us in the pollution essays age Subject:.

Pollution is causing changes in the environment in which they. Pollution pollution essays the chemical change in the structure of biological creatures and the components of environment that would lead to imbalance in the nature. Pollutants can be any solid materials, liquids, gases or microbes. There are so many picture of pollution such as: Air, Noise, Water, Soil, Radioactive, light and visual pollutions etc. example by Soil Pollution in farms. To illustrate, according to Environmental Pollution Center, people or children who play by polluted soil and touch something which is polluted then they might directly get many disease. In addition, people get disease by indirectly way from food which is grown in polluted farm or by breathing toxic substances which are come from soil.

There are many diseases which have come from land polluted and effect on people life. Second source of land pollution is mining activities. The ocean covers 71 percent of the surface of the globe, and it constitutes over 90 percent of all habitable space on Earth. No wonder that Arthur C. Ocean pollution is growing out of control, pollution essays, and the. Pollution is a very tricky subject. Pollution pollution essays the contamination of anything by gas, chemicals, or garbage. First, most of it is very preventable. Second, you can be polluting things around you just by driving your car or throwing something out the window. Pollution causes very bad things.

Animals die, our ozone layer is being poked and prodded by carbon monoxide and dioxide from our car and factories, and we litter seriously everywhere. It is honestly ironically the most preventable causes of. I believe that pollution has escalated to far that is affecting us, the Earth, and the animals because of us or natural causes that have happened over years. I think that decreasing the pollution by its source it would be an excellent idea because we would have cleaner environments and cleaner drinking water. Although, not everybody will agree about my opinion like the people who would fling their trash in the environment almost everyday.

I want to represent the idea that people should quit their. The government as the main driver of social change should play a key role in ensuring the environment is not polluted, and resources are well taken care of, pollution essays. The environment we live in is gradually changing for the worst, and the government. particles and gas contaminates available in the earth's surface. In addition, pollution essays, air pollution is categorized in two parts indoor and outdoor air pollution. The indoor air pollution includes household products, gasses, lead, formaldehyde, asbestos, pollution essays, etc. Similarly, outdoor air pollution involves carbon pollution essays, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, tobacco smoke, etc.

Moreover, pollution essays, there are different sources of air pollution such as "Stationary Sources" which involves the power plants, dry cleaners, factories. Pollution has become a major issue over the years. It has caused death, disease, pollution essays, and many health problems. It is a major concern of our world today and not much is being done to prevent it. If not all, a lot of pollution is caused by humans. There are different types like industrial, agricultural, etc. Many people are realizing now the threat that pollution poses to humans. There are three main types of pollution. They are land, air, and water pollution.

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If not all, a lot of pollution is caused by humans. There are different types like industrial, agricultural, etc. Many people are realizing now the threat that pollution poses to humans. There are three main types of pollution. They are land, air, and water pollution. Land pollution deals with dumps or other harmful. Home Page Pollution. Free Pollution Essays and Papers. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade. Satisfactory Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Good Essays. Pollution Is Pollution Words 2 Pages. Pollution Is Pollution. pollution Words 2 Pages. pollution Words 2 Pages 3 Works Cited. Better Essays. Pollution Words 3 Pages. Pollution Words 2 Pages. Pollution And Environmental Pollution Essay Words 5 Pages. Pollution And Environmental Pollution Essay.

It also nurtures us. If the climate gets polluted then, how can we survive? Earth provides us so many natural resources for our health and growth. But, as time is passing, we are becoming more selfish and keep on polluting our environment. We do not know that if our environment gets more polluted then, it will ultimately affect our health and future too. It will not be possible for us to survive on earth easily. It is unnecessary to tell that environmental pollution has ruined and spread its toxic tentacles inside the basic needs of human, i. It affects our inhaling, drinking, and eating. It also damages the health of animals along with humans.

Various things pollute the air like gaseous releases from motor vehicle ignitions and industries, burning fossil fuels inside the air, etc. The solid industrial waste, oil spills, plastic dumps, and city garbage that thrown into the water pollutes the river and oceans. Similarly, inorganic procedures of agriculture destroy the fertility of the soil. As you know that water is used for drinking, the soil used for producing food, and the air is used for breathing, all of these three contaminated elements insert their pollutants inside the body of human and result in diseases. The diseases that occur due to environmental pollution consist of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, lung cancer, skin cancer, lead poisoning, cardiovascular diseases and stroke, radiation augmented cancers, mercury poisoning, congenital disabilities, allergies, lung diseases owing to occupational exposure to numerous toxin and many more.

The list is unending. Our earth is moving on the way to unhealthy future for every living being. So, we must become aware of the factors that pollute our environment and take some necessary steps to keep our future safe and healthy. Our environment is made of both living and non-living things. The living things include animals, plants, and other microorganisms, whereas air, water, soil, sunlight, etc. Whenever any kind of toxicity is added to our surroundings for a considerably long duration, it leads to environmental pollution. Some of the major types of pollutions are air, water, soil, noise, light, and nuclear pollution. Smokes from the industries, house chimneys, vehicles, and fuels causes air pollution. Wasted industrial solvents, plastics, and other wastes, sewage etc. Use of pesticides and deforestation are the major causes of soil pollution.

The unnecessary honking of the vehicles, use of loudspeakers lead to noise pollution. Although it is hard to realize the light and nuclear pollutions these are equally harmful. Excessively bright lights consume a lot of energy while threatening the environmental balance in several ways. Needless to say, the negative impacts of a nuclear reaction last for many decades to come. All the constituents are interconnected to each other. As the cycle of nature goes on, the toxicity of one component is passed on to all other components as well. There are various means by which the contamination continues to circle in the environment.

We can understand it with an example below. When it rains, the impurities of air gradually dissolve in the water-bodies and soil. When crops are grown in the fields, their roots absorb these harmful toxicants through the contaminated soil and water. The same food is ingested by both animals and human beings. In this way, it reaches the top of the food chain when the herbivores are consumed by the carnivores. The consequences of environmental pollution can be seen in the form of severe health diseases. More people are suffering from respiratory problems, weaker immunity, kidney and liver infections, cancer, and other chronic illnesses. The aquatic life, including both flora and fauna, is depleting rapidly.

The soil quality and crop quality are deteriorating. Global warming has become a major issue as a result of environmental pollution that the world needs to cope up with. The melting icebergs in Antarctica have resulted in the rising sea levels. Natural calamities such as frequent earthquakes, cyclones, etc. Incidents of Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Chernobyl in Russia have led to the irreparable damage to the humankind. In response to these disasters, every possible measure is being taken by the different countries in the world. More awareness programs are being organized to educate people about the hazards of environmental pollution and the need of protecting our planet. Greener ways of living are becoming popular. Energy-efficient bulbs, eco-friendly vehicles, use of solar and wind energy, are to name some.

Governments are also emphasizing on planting more trees, eliminating plastic products, better recycling of natural wastes, and minimal use of pesticides. This kind of organic lifestyle has helped us protect many plant and animal species from becoming extinct while making earth a greener and healthier place to live in. The presence of a substance in the environment which can be harmful to human beings, plants or animals is what we call as a pollutant and this occurrence is called environmental pollution. We already know a lot about it, yet we intend to do very little to control it. Perhaps we have not yet felt the direct impact it has already had on our lives.

For instance, just recently there has been a study by WHO which claims that the average life of a person residing in Delhi has been reduced by 10 years just because of the exposure to the harmful substances in which a person living in Delhi is forced to breathe. Simply said, environmental pollution, though a concern for the entire world, is yet to see concrete steps towards its control. Environmental pollution is usually thought to be a reference to air pollution. However, it is a general term used to refer pollution occurring in air, soil and water as well as other forms of pollution such as the ones caused due to heat, light, radioactive materials and noise.

Each type of environmental pollution has its own set of sources, some of which can be easily identified while some may not be direct sources of pollution, though they may trigger the same. For instance —. Industrial waste — The waste generated from different industries is a major cause of water, air and soil pollution. The chemical waste from industries contaminates the water to such an extent that there have been instances wherein some regions of the world, people suffer from specific diseases due to the presence of contaminated water around them. Also, smoke or harmful gases such as sulphur, nitrogen and carbon released as residues from the industries get mixed with air and contaminate it.

Vehicles — Use of vehicles has become rampant and there has been a massive growth in the last decade. Though the use of vehicles has benefited us in a larger way, the emissions from the vehicles have led to a massive increase in air pollution. In fact, many cities in the world have been forced to chalk out strategies such as odd and even, where vehicles ply on odd or even days based on their registration numbers just to curb the growing air pollution in such cities. Also, the immense use of petroleum fuels has led to the depletion of fossil fuels from the soil further depleting the resources available to mankind. Agricultural Waste — Due to the ever-growing population, the demand for agricultural products has increased manifold.

This has led to the rampant use of pesticides and chemicals in order to increase the productivity. However, this practice has its share of effects on the environment. For instance, the cotton belt of Punjab in India has been boon for the cotton industry, but at the same time, people living in this region have been found to suffer from different forms of cancer due to the large use of pesticides and chemicals in this area. Population overgrowth and technology advancements have all led to the increase in demand for resources for optimum survival. However, we must not forget that the environment has been forced to pay a huge price for the same and we all should be responsible enough to do our bit in order to curb the ever-increasing environmental pollution or else, it may be difficult for future generations to even survive on this planet.

Better methods such as the use of solar energy, wind energy and other ecologically safe technologies can surely be considered an an alternative in order to live in a healthy and pollution free environment. India is the second most populous country in the World and home to over 1. It is a land of gorgeous and spectacular landscapes, abundant natural resources, and one of the most sought after holiday destination. The Indian government has declared a state of emergency for environmental pollution in the urban areas. The level of dangerous and toxic pollutants in the air, water and soil has gone way above the safe limit. Heavy industrialization, urbanization and some age old practices like burning agricultural waste have equally contributed to the miserable environment condition in India.

New Delhi, the capital of India, made global headlines recently when it turned up in the top 10 most-polluted places on earth. Supreme Court of India has imposed a ban on old petrol and diesel vehicles in Delhi. Despite numerous efforts by the government to manage polluting emissions from the industries and use alternate traffic mechanisms, the air condition continues to deteriorate. The major sources of air pollution are traffic, power plants, industry, burning waste, cooking using wood and charcoal. Emission of greenhouse gasses poses a real time threat to the concentration of toxic elements in the air. As the industrial sector in India is witnessing a prolific growth.

As a result soil pollution is becoming a major concern in all parts of the country. Soil pollution poses an alarming threat to agricultural productivity, food safety, and human health. The area of fertile land is deteriorating every passing day by the use of chemicals for gaining better produce. The growth of cities in India has used soil as a sink for perpetually greater amounts of municipal waste. Large amount of land is wasted as dumping grounds both within and at the outskirts of cities. These dumping grounds can be seen treated as pastures for cattle which can result in numerous health hazards.

In India, we are not new to water pollution. It degrades our natural resources, from the water we drink to the air we breathe. While writing an essay on Pollution, you must mention the major four types of pollution which are as follows:. Sign Up for A Free Consultation by Click Here! You can include various causes and health effects in your essay on Pollution from the following table Add the causes and effects in your essay on Pollution depending upon the word limit allowed to you. Before writing an essay on Pollution, students must be familiarised with the format of essay writing. The key elements of the essay format are Introduction, Body of Content and Conclusion. Take a look at the following paragraphs which delve deeper into the details of these features as per a word essay:.

Also Read: Essay on Pollution in Hindi. Pollution is the major factor playing in the imbalance of the environment. Climate change, global warming, and many others are because of pollution. Unwanted substances when released into the environment affect environment the most. There are many ways we can control pollution, it all starts with a little effort. Another way you can contribute towards saving the environment is by switching to E- products. Instead of buying cars that run on fuels switch to the ones that run on electricity. Government should pass more strict rules and regulations. It is high time to come together and end this fight against pollution for the betterment of future generations.

The biggest threat plant earth is facing is pollution. Unwanted substances leave a negative impact once released into an environment. There are four types of pollution air, water, land, and noise. Pollution affects the quality of life more than any human can imagine. Due to air pollution, even teenage kids have developed various respiratory diseases. Water pollution has led to diseases in children. If the soil quality gets deteriorated due to such practices, the soil will become infertile and no crops could be grown in future. The government has launched various schemes over the years to fight pollution but individual efforts can also play a vital role. Start by replacing plastic bags for shopping with cloth bags, stop littering on roads and stop wasting water are some of the basic things to start with that can lead to big changes in the environment.

One of the most critical threats faced by our planet in the present day scenario, Environmental pollution is a global issue affecting people around the world. It is occurring in different forms, whether by affecting the air we breathe or the water resources we utilise for several purposes.

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