Thursday, January 6, 2022

Lowering drinking age essay

Lowering drinking age essay

This has been an ongoing debate in the US for a couple years now. In the United States the minimum legal drinking age MLDA is twenty-one years old. The central nervous system can also be affected by the alcohol because once in the body, lowering drinking age essay, the alcohol inhibits various aspects of coordination in lowering drinking age essay body and this may lead to motor problems in an individual Pietrangelo, Allowing the teenagers to take alcohol legally is likely to increase the level of dishonesty in the society today. There are many sides to this argument but the one that has me most interested […]. At years-old in America, young adults are entrusted […].

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Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you lowering drinking age essay nail your grades! So many young adults desperately want the drinking age to be lowered to Although 18 over are considered adults, drinking in a young age, when the body is still developing, could have negative effects. The health consequences lowering drinking age essay most young adults will face are severe. Even though some teenagers could get away with drinking illegally, there are punishments for owning a fake ID. Lowering the drinking age will only increase the likelihood lowering drinking age essay negative influences within the community; drinking-related crimes and health issues will have devastating effects on the society.

The physiological action of alcohol in the human body is very harmful. Most of the young people who engage in drinking alcohol are influenced by perceptions that they develop as a result lowering drinking age essay peer pressure. Most of these perceptions are as a result of ignorance because they perceive alcohol to enhance various aspects of their life. However, allowing the teenagers to take alcohols is likely to bring a lot of harm to their lives. Most of the teenagers involved in heavy intake of alco0hol have perceptions that the alcohol can reduce their troubles.

The problems associated with alcohol can be short-term in their lives and long-term. Some of the short-term problems include financial problems, lowering drinking age essay. Most of the teenagers who engage in alcohol intake are likely to run into lowering drinking age essay. This can make the young men to spend most of their time in taking the alcohol. The majority of the teenagers are students and they do not have financial stability. This can make them to engage in other illegal activities that can assist them to generate more money that can be in the buying the alcohol. These habits can develop progressively and lead to bigger problems in their future lives like making them engage in criminal activities and this negative to the society.

Need A Unique Essay on "The Drinking Age Should Not be Lowered From 21 to 18"? Alcohol is very detrimental to human health Pietrangelo, The alcohol affects various aspects of the development of the body. Teenagers have various processes in their bodies as a result of the development facilitated by their transition to maturity. This is because the alcohol is absorbed into the body and then affects numerous physiological processes. This makes the alcohol to be a big part of the fluid in the body fluids. The presence of the alcohol in the body can lead to emotional and physical changes that harm the body. The accumulation of the alcohol in the body inhibit the action of various organs and organ systems in the body, lowering drinking age essay. The ultimate effect of the alcohol can be lowering drinking age essay malfunction and death Pietrangelo, The excretory system playa a big role eliminating the waste products from the body.

Alcohol is major component of the waste products one taken into the body. The toxic nature of alcohol overworks the liver and other parts of the body during the excretion process and this can lead to complications. The central nervous system can also be affected by the alcohol because once in the body, the alcohol inhibits various aspects of coordination in the body and this may lead to motor problems in an individual Pietrangelo, The alcohol also can inhibit the absorption of very essential nutrients in the digestive tract and this can make the victims very weak. Once in the body, the alcohol is circulated to various parts of the body leading to problem to the circulatory system, reproductive system, skeletal and muscular system and the immune system.

These aspects are likely to reduce the quality of life of the victims, lowering drinking age essay. Allowing the teenagers to take alcohol legally is likely to increase the level of dishonesty in the society today. This is because it is likely to increase the number of people who use fake identity documents to have the alcohol in their lives. There is a large number of people who use fake identity documents in the society in order to get alcohol because of the 21 years age limit Clarke, Most of the people make alterations on their identity documents in order to comply with the requirements of the age limit while other are involved in the theft of the identification documents.

There are numerous concern that have led to the development of the concern if the age limit is lowered, the number of people using fake identity documents can reduce in the society. However, allowing the teenager to drink by reducing the age limit cannot lowering drinking age essay in eradicating the use of fake identification documents. This can only encourage the individuals who are below 18 years to be involved in the same issues associated with the identification documents in order to buy alcohol Clarke, Therefore, this is likely to lead to an increase in the level of dishonesty among the people of lower age groups in the society, lowering drinking age essay.

In conclusion, the prevalence of alcohol in the society today has been increasing over the years, lowering drinking age essay. The existence of a age limit on the people who should take alcohol assist in enhancing order in the society and preventing the young people from the side-effects associated with drinking alcohol. However, this has received a lot of publicity in the society leading to numerous debates on lowering drinking age essay the drinking age should be reduced to 18 years. Alcohol is very harmful to human health especially in the development stages. Therefore, reducing the drinking age is likely to compromise the ethical and moral standards that govern the society because it will negate the integrity to humanity, lowering drinking age essay.

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It is ad fact that the onset of puberty is accompanied by a rebellious nature in teenagers. The normal teenagers consider breaking rules or the law a norm and a way to fit in among peers. Research carried out among high school students revealed that while peer pressure and enjoyment are a major cause of underage drinking, breaking the law is the primary cause. The rebellious nature in students recognizes drinking as one of the major ways of breaking the law without dire consequences, and they embrace the practice. Lowering the drinking will reduce the rebellious appeal of alcohol reducing the number of young consumers. Increasing the accessibility of alcohol reduces the mysterious appeal of alcohol among the young generation.

The thrill associated with alcohol abuse will significantly drop when alcohol restrictions are loosened. Also, the thrill associated with underage drinking can be a recipe for fatal consequences. Binge drinking, a dangerous activity, is a common phenomenon in many American Universities. On the contrary in countries where the drinking age is eighteen, the behavior is entirely different. For instance, American students between the years who study in the UK have a different lifestyle to students in the US What drives underage drinking: An international analysis, Americans in the UK have been robbed of the thrill of law breakage when drinking alcohol.

Consequently, the students there drink moderately as a social activity without the usual fanatical approach adopted by American students. Underage drinking, especially for college students in the United States, is rarely referred as a normal and social activity but rather as a way of impeding the law and the existing societal structure. Lowering the drinking age will reduce the thrill which will subsequently curtail the need to drink as a form of rebellion. Eventually, abuse of alcohol will significantly reduce What drives underage drinking: An international analysis, Another factor that should encourage lowering the drinking age is the drinking habit among Americans.

The illegality of drinking until the age of 21 creates a social phenomenon that has adults drinking irresponsibly. Lack of controlled drinking or moderation increases cases of alcoholism in American adults. Binge drinking is common. The consumption of alcohol is a problem, but the main issue that should be recognized is if lowering it would increase safety externally and even internally. Obviously alcohol is never a healthy thing and many health issues will come out of it if it is abused, but maybe lowering the legal drinking age will help with that too! What about drinking and driving?

This reasoning still stands valid because in fact, it can be debated that the reason many teenagers drink illegally is because of the concept of rebellion. By lowering the drinking age, less and less young adults will have the urge to drink. In a News Weekly article, Jeffrey A. The notion that this law is accomplishing anything to actually stop or even curb teen drinking is preposterous. Instead, we see all the unintended effects of Prohibition: over-indulgence, anti-social behavior, disrespect for the law, secrecy and sneaking and a massive diversion of human energy. People who support the act argue that it prevents binge drinking and that alcohol can have negative effects on the brain 's development.

On the other hand, others who advocate for a MDA of 18 reason that 18 is the age of adulthood in which they have the right to dictate what they do and do not consume into their bodies. At eighteen, one is considered an adult, but, can not do all the things adults are able to do. It is thought that lowering the drinking age would cause more drunk driving accidents, but, there could be other laws that could be enforced to help with this. In Dr. At the age of 18, you are given the right to vote, go to war, and buy cigarettes but are not allowed to consume alcohol, which almost contradicts itself. Drinking alcohol at such a young age can lead to alcohol binging and dependence, resulting in possible long term effects, affecting cognitive brain functions.

The increase in drunk-related crashes also has been a significant concern for lowering the drinking age back to Teenagers will drink alcohol no matter what the drinking age is set at. As we enforce a drinking age limit of 21, we are also driving alcohol consumption underground, which causes binge drinking and poor habits. Henry and Nelson When something is the leading cause of death, the response should be how to fix this problem, not providing easier access to young adults. With research, the major findings since raising the minimum legal drinking age to 21 are decreased motor vehicle crashes and lower rates of alcohol consumption Wechsler and Nelson These two findings show that by changing the age permitting alcohol consumption, it has helped reduce the damage that alcohol can cause towards society.

Many would agree that leaving the minimum legal drinking age at 21 is the best choice, although there are still groups that argue that lowering it is the right of all…. In all 50 states, the minimum legal drinking age is 21 years old. However, some exceptions do exist on a state-by-state basis for consumption at home, under adult supervision, for medical necessities, and other reasons. After all, if 18 years olds can serve our country, buy tobacco products and legally be considered an adult, then […]. This has been an ongoing debate in the US for a couple years now. Some people think it would be better if it was lowered, while others do not.

There are many sides to this argument but the one that has me most interested […]. So significant is keeping the drinking age of 21, which has been supporting effectively on young people. There is ongoing debate on whether keeping the drinking age of 21 has the positive or negative […]. Imagine being a senior in high school, 18 years old. Should young adults be able to legally buy an alcoholic beverage at this age? This has been an ongoing controversy in the United States as to whether the drinking age should be lowered from years-old to years-old.

At years-old in America, young adults are entrusted […]. Minimum legal drinking age MLDA laws provide an example of how scientific research can support effective public policies. Alcohol use among youth is related to many problems, including traffic crashes, drownings, vandalism, assaults, homicides, suicides, teenage […]. Many people around the world drink alcohol for numerous reasons. However, some people may not be able to drink alcohol in other countries because of the drinking age law. For example, people are allowed to drink alcohol at age 18 in Korea, but they cannot drink in the United States because the drinking age law […]. Abstract The start occurred when instructed to find a prompt for an argument.

The prompt was found on ProCon. This website lists many controversial topics with pros and cons. One stood out and it was the argument if the drinking age should be lowered. From there sources need to be found to give extra information […]. Thesis: Binge drinking is a major problem in todays society, and some would argue that it is because of the legal drinking age; today, I would like to explore two opinions on lowering the legal drinking age in order to understand this issue more. Introduction: [Attention-Getter] Each year, more than 4, minors die due to […]. The opposing viewpoint is the drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or Colleges and Universities argue that having the drinking age 21 is making issues worse.

If young adults know that they are legally allowed to drink then there would be a lot less thrill seekers trying to break the law. Additionally […]. Though there have been several calls for the reduction of the drinking age, it is a bad idea. The drinking age shouldn't be lowered because it will lead to an increase in the rate of drunk driving, binge drinking and alcohol poisoning, alcohol-induced violent behavior, and unwanted pregnancy. Several college students find a way to consume alcohol whether they are of age or not.

When they over-consume alcohol, it increases their chances of getting injured, sexually assaulted, or murdered. There will be lesser chances of students consuming alcohol if they know their tolerance level before getting into college. If the legal drinking age is lowered, students will be less likely to use false identifications and commit crimes related to alcohol consumption. The main argument against a lower drinking age is that it is a risk to public safety. Underage drinkers are not just a huge risk to themselves, but also others and this is particularly true on the highways. In fact, some US states lowered the drinking age during the Vietnam war.

However, this quickly resulted in more alcohol-related highway fatalities. So, the drinking age was raised to nationwide in July Since most people get their first job at the age of 18, they will feel more comfortable around other workers if the drinking age is reduced. This would then make them more productive.

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